Do you last long enough in bed? This is a major question that guys are always asking themselves. Obviously you would rather know the answer to this before jumping in the sack rather than afterwards as it can be very embarrassing not being able to last long enough in bed.
Ask yourself these 3 important questions to determine if your lasting ability is up to par:
1) Can you last at least 10 minutes long? This is key in my opinion. Even though there will be instances where actual sex will last less than 10 minutes and you will be able to please your partner within that time frame, you still should be at the 10 minute lasting level, at least. Not being able to hold out under that time shouldn't be acceptable for you. There are always times when you will need to be able to hold out for at least 10 minutes, and there are always going to be instances where your foreplay sessions will be longer, meaning you will become closer and closer to ejaculation when it comes time for actual sex. Give yourself the 10 minute test to find out if you're good or if you need to jack up your lasting ability.
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2) Can you complete masturbation in only a few minutes? If so, then it is likely you are not able to last long enough in bed. When most men masturbate it usually doesn't take them a long time at all to get the job done. And on one hand, why should it? You are not pleasing anyone else but yourself, so why waste time!
Here's why: because you are training your body that quick ejaculation is OK. So when it comes time for real sex to occur, guess what? Your body is going to react by ejaculating as quickly as it can. After all, you trained it that way! So you have to eliminate the idea that masturbation takes only a few minutes. If you are going to masturbate, make sure to extend your session as long as possible. This is actually a good training method in order to prevent premature ejaculation from happening during real sex.
3) Do you feel ejaculation coming on during foreplay? If so, this is a big problem, though a totally understandable one. Foreplay can be incredibly erotic. You can easily get worked up heavily during foreplay.
The problem is that by the time you get to having real sex, you will be very close to ejaculation because you've become so worked up during foreplay. So the key is to keep things under control. If you are feeling ejaculation coming on then you won't be able to hold out during real sex.
Remaining calm by breathing deeply, knowing when to slow down the pace of things and focusing more on pleasing your partner than being pleased during foreplay are all keys to not getting too excited, too early.
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