Well, yes.
They may not have lied intentionally, but it only takes one initial lie or
scientific misunderstanding for a complete myth to arise. In our originally
very religious society, a lot of myths around luxury sex toys
and masturbation
have developed. Today we check out 10 you can safely dismiss.
- Girls don't
masturbate -
Sorry, simply not true! Survey results vary, but generally around
90% of men and 60% of women admit to having masturbated in their life.
- Masturbation
will affect your mental functioning -
There is actually some pseudo-scientific
bunkum about that modifies logic and uses a lot of big words to re-hash an old
myth that simply isn't true. Masturbation does not make you crazy, nor does it
negatively affect your mental functioning... apart from maybe in the 5 minutes
afterwards as your blood flow to the brain re-establishes itself!
- Masturbation
can make guys run out of sperm -
Men will continue to produce as much sperm as
their genetic limits set, for all of their reproductive years.
- Overuse of
sex toys means you can't reach orgasm any other way -
Women often worry that if
they overuse their vibrator or other high quality sex toys, they won't be able
to come without it. There is no physiological basis for this concern - if it
occurs, the cause is probably psychological.
- People in
relationships don't/shouldn't masturbate -
This is up to every couple to decide
individually! There is no overarching moral code or humanistic reason that it
shouldn't happen.
- People in
relationships don't/shouldn't use sex toys -
Sex toys don't replace good
partnered sex, but augment it. Again, it's not hurting anybody...
- Masturbation
causes people to commit sex crimes -
Sigh. Simply not true. Masturbation is as
widespread among healthy, socially adapted, non-criminal members of society as
it is among sex offenders.
- Girls only
use vibrators in a relationship because the guy can't make them come -
use luxury vibrators
when in a relationship for all different reasons. One of
the most commonly cited is speed - it's faster and easier to use a vibe than go
for a marathon session! There is no suggestion of inadequacy at any time.
- Sex toys
are addictive -
Many things in life have the potential to create addiction...
but many people use alcohol, pokie machines, even cigarettes occasionally
without becoming addicted. The same is true of vibrators and adult toys.